The Master Time Factor automatic forecasts are now available for daily commodity charts. The automatic forecasts have been available for the S&P500 ES futures contracts and now they are available for the following 22 futures: 1)Cocoa 2)Coffee 3)Copper 4)Corn 5)Cotton 6)Crude Oil 7)Feeder Cattle 8)Gasoline 9)Gold 10)Heating Oil 11)Lean Hogs 12)Live Cattle 13)Natural Gas 14)Orange Juice 15)Palladium 16)Platinum 17)Silver 18)Soybeans 19)Soybean Meal 20)Soybean Oil 21)Sugar11 and 22)Wheat. This indicator is now available in MarketWarrior 5.2016.7.5. The free trial is available for download here.